The Morning Chatter: Sunrise
(With music)
I used to be a "night owl" and still can be but I also have a great love for getting up at "o-dark-thirty". There is something magical in the moments just before the sun rises. There is a stillness, peace and calm feeling just before nature seems to wake up. The air feels different and the energy in the moment also has such a lovely feeling to it. I usually go outside to fill the bird feeders and make sure there is water in the birdbath. Sometimes the stars are still shining and I see the moon in the sky. Often in the warmer months a single deer or a family are laying down just watching me go about my chores.
Bucky |
In an instant, if you take a moment to pause and notice, you will notice that the sky is getting lighter and nature is beginning to stretch and yawn. It is as if all the wild ones are helping the sun rise up through the trees. The birds begin singing and calling. Can't you just feel and hear it all?
Please enjoy this edition of The Morning Chatter as the sun begins to glow between tree trunks. The air is making the leaves and branches of the trees move, dance and sing their song. Just take a moment and BE. BE with the sun and feel it glowing as you connect with all of nature through your feet on the ground.