Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Message From the Spirit of the Horse

I feel so blessed to have animals in my life. I have been forever changed by them. Each day I learn something new. Below is a beautiful and thought provoking message from the horses by Linda Tellington-Jones.

Emma, Fitz & Josh
You seeth not what stands before the eyes.

It is time that you spoke for us.
We need your voices.

We take heart that many are awakening to our needs.
We are united as one.

We sing the song of the spheres.
We ground your beings into the earth and through us we connect you to the stars.

You wonderful why you feel good when you touch us -- lean into us.
It is because we connect you to the stars.

Nathan & Butternut
See us -- we sacrifice ourselves to your blindness and never give up hope that you will awaken and we will be released from our suffering.

Our ancestors had more hope.

Some of you see the sunrise when you ride us -- feel the trees.
But how many of you feel the stream of light that flows between us when we carry you on our backs?

Our connections breathe life into your lifeless bodies.

See us once again as brothers.
We are here to serve as mirrors so that you -- mankind -- can find your way back to the stars.
To that Source that serves for us all.

Our molecular structure is one.

Know your power, Mankind.
When you see us as one with you then you will know your strength.

Wade, Marye & Sonny
We love you all.
We are one with you as you are one with all beings.

Here ye the cries of the Rooster.
Mankind must awaken.
He can no longer sleep.

- Linda Tellington-Jones

Monday, August 30, 2010

Summer - Fall 2010 Newsletter

Animal Paradise Newsletter Articles - Summer-Fall 2010

Below are the wonderful articles and stories that are in the Summer 2010 Animal Paradise Newsletter. As soon as the new Animal paradise website is up and running the stories will be moved there. Please enjoy.


The Spiritual Lives of Animals
By Nancy Windheart

I believe that being on a path of spiritual growth is essential to being a good animal communicator. My own journey has been profoundly guided by the animals, in particular the many animals I have loved who have come into my life through rescue situations. In learning to listen to animals telepathically, we learn to still the mind, to listen with deep presence, and to become open to the realms of magic and the unseen. This can become the foundation of a spiritual practice that can change our perceptions and our lives.

Animals vary in their spiritual awareness, understanding, experience, and evolution, as do humans. It is just as inaccurate to perceive all animals as spiritual masters as it is to perceive them as spiritually inferior, without souls, or spiritually insignificant. Animals will vary in their understanding of past lives, life after death, their soul purpose and tasks for this lifetime, or any other spiritual matter. Sometimes, animalsʼ spiritual awareness will match that of the people they are with, and animals can also be great master teachers for humans on the
spiritual path.

Like people, animals have their own spiritual lives, and can evolve and grow spiritually over time. Especially when working with rescued animals who may have experienced neglect or abuse, it can be very helpful to recognize that animalsʼ perspectives about their lives can go far beyond their experiences in their physical bodies. Dialogue with animals about their spiritual understanding can help people to more deeply understand them. I have found that many animals do have a conscious awareness of why they are in particular situations,
and what their purpose is in even the most difficult experiences. After communicating with many animals and spiritually aware humans, I have learned that we may not have an understanding of the meaning or reason for our own or animalsʼ suffering until many years or lifetimes down the road.

Many years ago, I loved a beautiful dog, Trixie, who taught me profound lessons about the “bigger picture” with regard to suffering. I share her story here as an example of the miracles of awareness that can happen when we really begin to understand the depth of each animalʼs spiritual journey, and our own.


Trixie was a Boxer who had spent at least seven years in a research laboratory. When she came to me, she had lived her entire life on concrete, and was frightened of grass, trees, and most everything else in the outside world. She was physically broken and mentally and emotionally impaired, and I loved her with every cell of my being. I hoped that my love would transform her, heal her past, and give her a sweet, joy-filled “retirement” in the last years of her life. Instead, Trixie quickly developed a brain tumor, possibly caused by the experiments she had been exposed to in the lab, and she died within a few months of her adoption into my home.

I was heartbroken and angry, and I could not understand what possible purpose Trixieʼs suffering could have had. I responded to my feelings by becoming an activist for a time, fighting for the rights of animals in laboratories, zoos, and factory farms. I channeled my own unhandled pain, which I later realized was mirrored to me by the animals, into frantic and desperate attempts to prevent the suffering of others.

Many years later, as I was re-discovering my telepathic abilities, Trixie, who had been in Spirit for a long time, came to me unexpectedly during an exercise in a course. She shared many things with me about our life together. She showed me that although she could not express love like a “normal” dog during her time with me, she had felt my love for her, and that it had deeply touched and healed her. She also showed me that her time in the lab was a necessary part of her soulʼs journey, and that it was what had allowed us to come together for a few short months at the end of her life for both of us to grow and expand into deeper love. The communication was tremendously healing for me, and helped me to release the anger, pain, and sadness I had felt after her passing.

It was several more years before Trixie got in touch with me again. When she did, she showed me that she had reincarnated as a young, healthy dog, and was living with a family who had a disabled child. She was the primary companion for this child, and wanted me to know what a wonderful life she was having. She shared with me that her experiences in her last lifetime, both in the laboratory and with me, were what allowed her to deeply understand this boy and his experience of life, and that she was so proud of the friendship and service that she was able to give him as he made his way through a very confusing world. She thanked me for loving her, and wanted me to know that she was now able to express love and be of service in a whole new way because of her experiences in her previous lifetime. It was then that I realized that often we may not be able to understand the reasons for an animalʼs suffering in a particular situation or lifetime, and that it can take a lot of time for these reasons to be revealed, if at all. My experience with Trixie taught me to not make assumptions about any animal or situation, but simply to remain present to what is, to help the animal in whatever way seems appropriate at the time, and to allow the meaning or understanding to unfold over time.

I have since communicated with many, many animals who have experienced pain and trauma in their lives. While most animals (and people) who survive trauma can be greatly helped through communication, counseling, and healing, I have learned that each individual varies greatly in their ability to heal, integrate, and grow from their experiences. I have also learned that many animals are able to move through the healing process relatively quickly, with a profound awareness of the meaning and purpose in their experiences.

As people working with sheltered and rescued animals, we can support their spiritual journeys in a variety of ways. I believe that the most important thing that we can do is to recognize each animal as an individual, with his or her own spiritual life and path, which may or may not be understandable by us. Secondly, it is important to develop an ability to be deeply present with animals, to take them as they are in each moment, and to not make any assumptions about them or their experiences until we have fully understood them. Third, we can support animals by recognizing that they evolve and grow over time, and by not holding them hostage to a role of “victim” or keeping them frozen in their past experiences. We can support them by giving them the freedom to grow, develop, and teach us according to their purpose.

Listening to and learning from the animals has propelled me forward on my spiritual journey in ways I could not have imagined. Practicing telepathy with an open heart and mindful presence, and being willing to release my judgments, fears, and old beliefs, has made me a better human. Iʼm kinder, more tolerant, less judgmental, and more forgiving of myself and others than I was before I started this journey. I continue to seek the guidance of spiritual masters, many of whom are in animal form, to help me to deepen my understanding and my spiritual practice.


About Nancy Windheart:

Nancy lives in Prescott, AZ with her 3 dogs, 3 cats and several wonderful chickens and two horses. Nancy is a professional animal communicator and Reiki Master as well as a yoga instructor. She is a staff writer for Species Link, the only magazine for and about animal communication. For more information about Nancy and her wonderful work please visit:


Rudy’s Will to Live!
by Janet Shettle

Rudy is a 14yr old warm blood, gelding. He is not part of the horse rescue where I work and volunteer but is the companion to the barn manager. In 2008 Rudy was kicked in his left hock which resulted in a very bad infection. The vet was called and Rudy was treated with antibiotics, receiving injections directly into the hock. Rudy would seem to start to improve but then falter. The barn manager was told that this was a life threatening injury, and that even if Rudy survived, he might be lame.

I was new to the barn but when I became aware of the situation I asked if I could offer Rudy Reiki. The manager was open to the idea. I got a few sessions in before a snow storm kept me away for about a week. When I returned, Rudy was in such a bad state, the vet said that if he didn't improve with in a few days, it might be time put him down. I was very worried about Rudy's physical state but more concerned about his emotional state. Everyone kept saying it might be time to put Rudy down. I sensed that he was giving up.

I now had four consecutive days free to work with Rudy. I offered him Reiki, which he loved, and now incorporated flower essence and encouragement through communication. The flower essences that I offered were pre mixed.......I used one for anxiety, immune support, recovery and animal emergency. He accepted with ease. Following my intuition, I also used the mixture on my hands when offering Reiki.

Over the next four days I started telling Rudy that his recovery was up to him. Reminding him that he had the ability to heal himself. I was there to offer support and that no matter what he heard, his recovery was up to him. If that's what he wanted. It was very difficult for me to let go of my expectations of "healing Rudy". It was NOT up to me. I was reminded of this while speaking to one of my teachers. We started to see improvement in Rudy's condition but the vet warned us that Rudy was not out of the woods. He might continue to improve but then falter again and if so, it might be best to put him down. I sensed that Rudy was determined to prove them wrong and he did. We continued Reiki and flower essence over the next couple of weeks.

Rudy has made a full recovery and is enjoying life. We learned a lot from each other through this ordeal and have developed a special bond.

A few weeks after Rudy was finally turned out with the herd, it was time to add a young, “full of himself”, gelding to the herd. The barn manager was worried that Will Star would receive rough treatment by a few of the older horses. So, I asked Rudy to take Will Star under his wing and protect him. When I returned to the farm the following week, I asked, "how's Will Star"? Forgetting my request of Rudy, the barn manager said, "you should see Rudy, he's really protecting Will. He won't allow anyone to get near him!" OMGosh! What an amazing guy! Now, two more young geldings have joined the herd and Rudy takes great care of them all. He is teaching them all how to be good men.

Rudy was the first horse I worked with and he has taught me so much. We too are animals and have the ability to heal ourselves. We’ve just forgotten our connection with nature and the universe.

Rudy received great veterinarian care during his illness and would not have survived without it. I believe the therapies I offered were just as important to his recovery but not more. We all offered him support and Rudy chose to live.

I have studied Animal Reiki and Communication with Janet Dobbs and am so grateful for her teachings!
Janet Shettle

Reiki Master Practitioner

Janet began her Reiki practice in 2008 when she completed Reiki I and later that year Reiki II. Along with a group of volunteers, Janet started offering Reiki at Upper Chesapeake Hospital’s Cancer LifeNet Center. The program became so popular and successful; it was awarded a grant from the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Wanting to continue studying Reiki and deepen her understanding and practice, Janet completed the Master Level, Reiki III in early 2009.

As a dedicated animal lover, Janet studied Animal Reiki and communication with Reiki Master Janet Dobbs, a pioneer in that field.

Wanting to deepen her understanding and connection to Reiki, Janet studied with Frans Stiene. Frans and his wife Bronwen are authors of the internationally acclaimed “The Reiki Source Book” and founders of the International House of Reiki. The Stiene’s are dedicated to the original Japanese form of Reiki. A spiritual, healing practice.

Janet lives in Monkton, Maryland, an area rich in horse traditions. Animal Reiki is now a significant part of Janet’s practice, specializing in Equine Reiki.

Janet Shettle


Animals and Reiki “Attunements”

By Janet Dobbs
Reiki Teacher/Practitioner

Sammy was my heart and soul and encouraged me in most everything that I did. He loved working with Reiki and actually taught the first Reiki level one class that I held at our home. It all began the night before the class when I was practicing Reiki attunements.

Reiju, translates to mean ‘spiritual blessing’. In level one Reiki, students receive 4 reiju (also called attunements) throughout the course. The purpose is to strengthen the students’ connection with spiritual energy and to raise their personal energy levels, giving a sense of reconnection with one’s true self. Reiju also helps clear the body’s meridians allowing students to conduct more energy through the body. (*1)

I had heard that you are not to perform Reiju on an animal. That didn’t make sense to me. What harm would it do, if Reiki does no harm? What would it matter? What was going to happen if I was to do that? Why would someone be afraid that an animal would be “attuned” to spiritual energy?

I was taught by my first Reiki teacher, to practice giving an attunement using an empty chair if there was no human to practice with. So there I was, walking around an empty chair when my amazing kitty Sammy came in the room and hopped up on it and sat perfectly still, announcing to me, “Go ahead now. Please continue. I am here to help you. I am here to help you get this right!” I continued working my way around the chair as he sat almost motionless. “Again!” he suggested. So I offered Reiju to him again, practicing until I felt confident. The moment that I felt complete he thanked me and then hopped off the chair to go out to his screened porch for a bit of chilly February air. I thanked him for being my teacher and allowing me to practice with him.

The following day he greeted the students when they arrived and then disappeared somewhere else in the house. The time came for the first reiju/ attunement. The students were sitting in their chairs. Soothing music was playing in the background and everyone had their eyes closed and were relaxing. Just after I began the process Sammy quietly arrived in the room. He surveyed the situation and then silently walked from person to person, lightly brushing their leg and offered each student a blessing and healing. I could not believe that he actually took part in the event. He told us that it was very important to him and that he liked helping. He wanted to make sure that everyone was receiving exactly what they needed at that point in time as he worked his magic, opening their hearts.

After lunch we regrouped in the room that had a Reiki table set up. In level one Reiki, students learn how to do a self-healing Reiki treatment as well as how to give and receive a hands-on Reiki healing session on a Reiki table. I was sitting in a chair just a bit away from the head of the Reiki table and the students were sitting on the left side of the table facing the students. I was telling them about the next steps when suddenly Sam ran into the room and jumped up on the Reiki table, faced the students and began talking. “Meow, meow, meow, meow. Mah, mah, mah, mah, mah, MAAHH! ....... MA! ...... MAH! Meow, meow, meow.” He looked at each student in the eye. I stopped talking and asked, “What are you doing Sam?” I then realized that HE was teaching the class!

Sam had such a presence. His essence would always fill the whole room or space that he was in. As the students sat captivated by him, he continued his ‘talk’. He said to each student, “Pay attention. ‘This’ is important work. Open yourself. Take this in. Learn how to heal yourself so you can bring this to your animal friends and others. Remember that your animal friends are you greatest teachers. We will help you to remember to always stay grounded as you do your healing work. We are here to work with you side by side. Be open to the possibilities. Embrace this and embrace life. Find joy and bliss in everything that you do. All is well.” I can still see him sitting on the table holding ‘court’.

Then as fast as he arrived, he turned, jumped down off the table and disappeared upstairs and did not return again.

I often would have Reiki shares at the house and Sammy would get up on the table with me as I was receiving my Reiki session and “help” with the session. It always amazes and humbles me just how much the animals know about healing.

I have been teaching my workshops at Traveller’s Rest Equine Elders Sanctuary since April 2007. The first class that I taught was a Reiki I course. The group was in a circle as I was offering them their first attunement when we all heard, baaaaaarrrrrrrrow! Baaaaaaarrrrow!!!! It was Hannah the longhaired orange kitty announcing herself. I telepathically said to her that I wanted to acknowledge her, but that I was in the middle of the Reiju and needed her to be quiet as the students were easily distracted. She didn’t understand so she went around to each person and looked up at them saying, baaaarrrow? (Keep in mind that the students all had their eyes closed and were supposed to be in their “quiet space)”. Hannah then walked around the outside of the circle and then she walked around the inside of the circle. When her human mom, Chris, was receiving her Reiju, Hannah rubbed her leg and then she went around behind the table that we had food on and proceeded to sit on top of a paper bag under the table, which made lots of noise just as we were finishing up the Reiju process. Everyone laughed! We did another meditation and Hannah stayed right with us. I said to the class, let’s just stay in the energy that we are in and offer Hannah Reiki. Hannah laid down. She took a nap. She got up. She then walked around the circle going to each person as if to thank them individually and then went back to the bag and went completely out.

Hanna has been present at almost every Reiki class that we have had at TREES. She especially likes Reiki II where students learn the 3 level two Reiki symbols and mantras. Hannah has her favorite symbol and will sit in it and look at each of the students, telling them to pay very close attention and really work with the energy, as it will help them in many ways.

Does it matter if we practice an attunement with an animal? No. The animals know so much more than we do. They are the ones teaching and healing us. We need to open and allow the healing that we offer them to return to us in the same way that they send unconditional love to us. I never know what the animals are going to do, say or teach me. I am grateful that they are in my life and that they are willing to teach me as well as others. I thank them all for their help, support and guidance.

*1 - (p. 164 A-Z Reiki Pocketbook by Bronwen & Frans Stiene)

For more information about Traveller's Rest Equine Elders Sanctuary please visit: 

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Beginning Animal Communication workshop - July 2010

Congratulations to the recent participants of the beginning animal communication workshop that took place at Traveller's Rest Equine Elders Sanctuary at the beginning of July. .
 All eyes are on Rufus

The day started out cloudy as I headed south to Traveller's Rest. Not rain clouds, but the puffy clouds that dreams are made of. 

Just me and hundreds of my closest friend heading south in I-95 about 35 miles an hour!
Hannah chooses just the right chair as Chris and I wait for the students to arrive. Hannah wanted to know where the Reiki symbols were as she loves to teach Reiki. This time she actually decided to stay for the Animal communication workshop. She often leaves but the last two she has taken her place in the circle insisting on having her own chair.

Traveller on the other hand much prefers a box. Usually he sits on a table next to me during an AC workshop but this time he was in or on top of a box usually under the table being "invisible".

Ruby has become quite a teacher during all of the classes at TREES. She likes introductions and meeting and greeting everyone.
Fast moving, Ms. Pistopher Polumbus (world traveller and explorer) checks to make sure we are on track. 

The group heads out for their final conversation with an animal. It is hard to choose as there are so many amazing teachers at TREES. 
In the communion comes a deep connection and a new friend is made. The heart to heart, soul to soul connection between human and animal. Something that one will not soon forget. 
What are they thinking? What do they have to teach me? What do they want to say? Be still my friend. Breathe. Feel the earth beneath your feet and your connection to me heart and soul. Don't be in a hurry. Relax and let all of your cares and worries go for a moment in time. Let us teach you and show you the way.....
Nathan comes out from the shade of his shelter, into the hot sun, to see what is going on with the girls. Oh a student. Will she connect with the wisdom of the elders? Everyone is supporting her and encouraging her to open, listen and feel the magic. 

 The time always passes so fast when you visit Traveller's Rest. As I was packing up to head out I almost had a hitchhiker. Katy would not have been amused.
I always have to spend time with Nathan when ever I visit TREES. As I was leaving Nathan was on his walk about. Can you hear this conversation??
Ah, to be in the country for a moment is such a gift. Being so close to nature, away from the hustle of the city and suburbs.... Take me home, country road.... Take me to TREES. Thank you to all the residents of Traveller's Rest for allowing us to spend the day with you. Thank you for opening many more humans to the animals and all that is. Until we meet again......

Friday, June 11, 2010

Lessons from Lucy


Recently I introduced you to Lucy. She said that she would share a meditation with you that will help you to become closer to your own animal companions.

Lucy lives with two male german shepherds, Juan and Nino. She wanted me to tell you that they have also shared meditations with me. Each meditation has grown out of the first one. You don't have to be an animal communicator or Reiki practitioner to work with these simple, yet profound meditations. Just give them a try and see the difference in your animal friend(s).

I hope you like it as much as I do.

It is always important to be grounded so the first part of the meditation is a guided meditation to connect you to the earth energy. (You can use any meditation that you like, as long as it connects you to the earth.)

Make sure you are comfortable and that you will have no distractions such as phone calls.

Feel your feet on the ground and your body in the chair.
Take a nice, slow, deep breath in.
When you breath out, let any tension that you are feeling in your body go.
With each slow breath in and out release a little more tension.

Bring your focus to your feet.
Feel them, and feel the connection to the surface that they are touching. Just notice.

Imagine that you have roots coming out of the bottoms of your feet. Allow them to go deep into the earth. With each out breath feel these roots going deeper into mother earth.
Send these roots as deep as you can. Pretend that they can penetrate all substances of mother earth like the soil, rocks, water, gas, oil, all the way to the center of the earth. Don't worry, the lava at the center of the earth can not hurt you in any way. Draw from this powerful energy.

On your next in breath imagine that the earth energy is flowing up your roots and into the bottom of your feet.

Feel mother earth caressing your feet and loving you. She loves you so much. Feel that love entering your body through your feet.

Allow the earth energy to flow up your legs, into the trunk of your body, down your arms and into your head.

Now you have earth energy flowing through every cell in your body and you are grounded as well as protected by the love that mother earth has for you.

Bring your attention to your animal friend. They may or may not be near you. If they are not physically in your presence, just imagine that they are sitting or laying down in front of you.

Feel your connection with your animal friend. Feel your hearts connected to each other.

Notice your breathing....
Notice your animal friend's breathing....

When you breath out, your animal friend is breathing you in.
When your animal friend breathes out, your are breathing them in.

This is like a tree and a human. We give each other life in this way.
Lucy and her friends say that we humans should be with our animal friends in this way. Relaxed and breathing each other.

Lucy says to do this every day for just a little bit and notice how you feel.
Notice any changes in your relationship with you and your animal friend.
Simply BE in the space and place together.
The animals remind us that communing with nature is communication.
All we have to do is be.
Be in the moment with each other.
See what happens.

Have fun.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lessons from Lucy

Meet Lucy

Lucy is a great teacher of mine as well as many others. She lives with her wonderful family in El Salvador. Lucy has been teaching me for quite a while now and she has given me permission to share some of her teachings with you. 

Here is today's lesson from Lucy:

Be perfectly present

This morning as I was having a mini conversation with Lucy and getting ready to offer some healing energy when she stopped me in my tracks. She said to me that we humans need to be perfectly present when we are with another human or an animal. Lucy says it is very important to practice this every day. If we we do this we will get better and then it will become part of who we are. We will become good listeners.

What does Lucy mean when she says being perfectly present?

Lucy went on to say, when we humans are with another human we need to make direct eye contact. Don't be looking around at other things. Be right there in the moment with the other person. She says it is as if what they are saying is the most important and special thing that you have ever heard. She says, when we make eye contact it helps us to totally focus and really listen to what the other person is saying. Everyone, including animals, loves to have someone really care about what they have to say. We feel good. We feel like we matter. It is a very special gift to be totally present with another being as if the two of you are the only ones in the whole world. 

Lucy reminded me that when a human is listening to an animal it might not be comfortable for them if you make direct eye contact. Some species take direct eye contact as a threat. In a case like that it would be better for you to look away, but you can still be totally present with that animal and listen. 

Lucy says, "It is important to be totally there for and with the animal and "listen". 
Just be. 
Don't force anything. 
Be open. 
No judgements. 
Just listen and BE and allow the experience to flow...flow in the moment."

Lucy continues, talking about a better way to work with animals...."Once one is in the place of listening and being, it is time to move forward with a communication session or healing session. The experience will be totally different than if one was to just say "hello" to the animals and then begin the conversation and/or session."

Lucy reminds us to practice this everyday. Look into the person or animal's eyes. Listen to what they are saying. Notice when you are distracted and bring yourself back. Notice the difference in the quality of your relationships as you begin to make "being perfectly present" a part of who you are. 

Thank you Lucy.

Next time, Lucy will share with you some meditations that are wonderful to do with your animal friends.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day Katy

Sixteen years ago Katy was a very young mommy. This is Katy now, approaching 17. We don't know her exact age.

Bill and I met her in April of 1994 via HART (Homeless Animal Rescue Team). We were looking for two kittens at that time. We were led to Quantico, VA where the most wonderful and generous couple shared their home with lots of dogs, cats and bunnies. All fosters, waiting for their forever home.

We were taken down to the basement of the home where there were cages and cages of kitties and bunnies. It was too much to take in. I instantly fell in love with a 2-4 week old long haired kitten that turned out to be my Sam. At first we didn't notice Katy in a cage below Sam, his mom and sisters but there she was.

At that time she had 3 or 4 kittens. They were about 6 weeks old. We were told that one or two didn't make it. Clara, the woman that took care of all of the animals told us how wonderful Katy was and eventually Bill picked her up and held her in his arms.

It was love at first sight for both of them. Katy let out the biggest purr and meow. Boy did she hook us. We went home and told each other that if she called us that week she would be ours. Well we could not get her out of our head because she was already in our hearts!

It was decided that Katy and Sam (at that time Samantha) were to be ours as soon as Katy weaned her kittens and Sam was weaned from his beautiful mother, Ashley. 

We visited every weekend, making the trip down I-95. When we arrived the second week for our visit we discovered that Katy had a couple of more kittens!

Katy's kittens were much larger (see photo above and on the right) than the new arrivals. Evidently these were orphaned and Katy took them right in and made them hers. The following week we arrived for our visit and again another very tiny kitten was in with Katy. She never turned anyone away. Each week the same thing....yet another baby in with the ultimate little and young mother, Katy. 

Finally the time arrived for Sammy and Katy to come home with us. The photo above is at the rescue and was their very first face to face meeting.

The photo above are Katy's kittens that she gave birth to. They were now ready to find their forever home.

Katy loved being a mother at the time, but when she came home with us she was pretty much done with that, but in her essence and deep in our soul she is the ultimate mother.

We are blessed to share our home with her as she is aging gracefully. Life is good.

Happy Mother's Day Katy and all the other animal mommies out there. I celebrate you and the miracle of mother nature.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Reiki Digest: A teacher and her legacy

It is with a saddened heart that I share the news that Margaret Anne Case passed away last Thursday. Pleases read the following link that is a tribute to her and her work. She was an amazing Reiki teacher and practitioner. I had the honor to meet her and become friends with her when we were both students in Frans Stiene's Shinpiden training in April 2007. She will be deeply missed by many.
God Seed my friend.......

The Reiki Digest: A teacher and her legacy

Sunday, January 24, 2010

TREES/SARA Jan. 2010 group meeting

Saturday, January 23rd was the first TREES/SARA group meeting of 2010.  I could not wait to get there. It had been such a long time and I really missed the horses and Chris.

The sun was rising as I began my journey. It was a beautiful day. The day before and day after it rained but that day was beautiful.

Arriving at TREES, I found the usual greeters. They were having breakfast and relaxing. I had to pause and take it all in.

Miss Mona was getting a sun tan as Fitz and Jubal seemed content to be near the shelter.

Our group first met inside as we welcomed a new member, Jill to the TREES/SARA group. Jill has been coming to TREES every month to offer her many talented services including animal massage and other energy work. We began our group Reiki sessions with Sherman seen in the photo above with Chris Smith. This was Sherman's 3rd Reiki session since his arrival at TREES. At first he seemed unsure what we were all doing just standing in a semicircle in his 'yard'. We told him that we were there to offer him healing if he would like some but that he did not have to take it if he didn't choose to but we would just be there for him.

He began to relax almost right away and took in the healing energy fairly fast.

After a short while Sherman went to take a long drink of water. This is always a good thing for anyone to do that is receiving any kind of energy work as toxins can be released and water helps flush the toxins out. Sherman then walked into his "house" and thought about everything. He then peeked his head out and looked as everyone saying, "They are still there. They really meant what they said!" He walked out and got closer to everyone.

He began to take more healing energy and relaxed again, licking and chewing.

We thanked him as we needed to go. I think that he wanted us to stay with him longer as he tried to follow us out of his enclosure when we left. Thank you Sherman.

After a short break we began to work with Nathan. He is the white horse at the center of the above photo. Nathan has come a long way since he first arrived at TREES in June but he still has physical issues. He needed us to keep our distance as there have been too many humans poking and prodding him in the last few months. He needs his space right now.

Lori, Carol and I began to gently offer him energy. He has issues with his right front foot. Notice how he is standing in the first photo of him. He eventually turned and slowly relaxed and got into a very unusual pose. (photo above) He totally relaxed.

We stayed with him for a good amount of time. It is always magical at TREES. A bird flew through our circle almost touching Carol and me. We all stood very still in the quite, expanding our energy and offering it to Nathan and anyone else that might want it.

Nathan has become one of my greatest teachers. I am always honored to be in his presence. We thanked Nathan and Reiki and then tried to quietly walk through the thick mud and up to the house. Thank you Nathan.

We gathered back in the house to get warm and to share our experiences and observations with each other. Of course if it is Reiki, Hanna will be there teaching. Above she is laying down on the Reiki level two symbols. She is an amazing teacher and healer. We had a very special afternoon with Hannah, Traveller, Ruby and a new kitty.

We said goodbye to all of the residents at TREES and headed back to northern Virginia. What a special day. I look forward to my next visit.

For more information about Traveller's Rest Equine Elders Sanctuary (TREES) please visit and subscribe to their amazing blog at:
There is always wonderful information and photos at both locations.

For information about Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA) please visit:

If you are interested in working with Reiki and animals the below book is a must, The Animal Reiki Handbook.